
Our Membership Levels

Our members are the backbone of our Institute. Their membership fees allow us to plan for and afford basic infrastructure and operations. Some members are actively involved on our institute board, others contribute through their membership fees and visit our events. Together they ensure the maintenance of our basic infrastructure and help keep a vital part of our national heritage alive. Members get free access to the museum all year. They receive regular newsletters and invites to special events.

Standard Membership

Є 40

Senior Membership

Є 30

Family Membership

Є 50

National Maritime Museum of Ireland


Our Membership Levels

Our members are the backbone of our Institute. Their membership fees allow us to plan for and afford basic infrastructure and operations. Some members are actively involved on our institute board, others contribute through their membership fees and visit our events. Together they ensure the maintenance of our basic infrastructure and help keep a vital part of our national heritage alive. Members get free access to the museum all year. They receive regular newsletters and invites to special events.

For corporate members, we work out the best solution in terms of sponsorship visibility to suit their intentions for each individual case; corporate members also get the use of our venue at favorable rates.

We are also currently looking into organising events and outings which will be open exclusively for members – we are looking for one or more volunteers to organise this new range of activities.

If you are interested in a membership contact our membership secretary:

Free entrance to the Museum.

Free Maritime Institute Newsletter.

Discounts on many items in the museum shop.

Access to Library and Archive services (by appointment only)

Assistance with maritime research ( by appointment only)